Suggestion: Rules
I dont think anybody here is still alive, but just for the start I want to suggest a basic structure for the rules.
Welcome! Please before contributing ot the page, make sure you read and understand these rules. Afterwards - have fun reading, learing and spreading your own knowledge about The Raid!
§1. With the first contribution to this wiki in any way, you ensure compliance with the following rules. Ignorance does not protect one from punishment.
§1.2. Contributions with the following contents are not allowed, if they are not necessarily important for the presentation of the events of the movies.
- Pornography
- Rasicsm
- Sexism
- Homophobia
- disrespect for human dignity
- Display of Abuse
- Any other form of content, which could deemed offensive
§1.3. You ar…
Need New Admins Soon
Hello, i know this wiki is brand new wiki. That's why i need new Bureaucrat and Admins who willing to help me, i will gave you one beautiful user profile in return and teach you how to use source mode until you can use it perfectly. Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested via my message wall.
P.S: I need A fan, and no exception of country. I prefer someone who already understand the basic code of source mode.