The Raid Wiki
The Raid Wiki

Mad Dog (Real name unknown) is the tertiary antagonist of The Raid Redemption. He is the right-hand man of Tama (the film's main antagonist) and his most dangerous and sadistic enforcer. He is also the killer of Jaka. He later started torturing Andi after it was revealed he was the brother of Rama (the film's protagonist) , one of the cops invading the apartment building and was likely a police rat. Mad Dog then tortured Andi but he was later rescued by Rama and the two brothers got into a two-on-one duel with Mad Dog that ended with the violent criminal's painful death.

Mad dog's corpse

Mad dog's corpse

After Mad Dog's death Tama is also killed in the end which puts to the end of their organization and allowing Rama to escape while Andi stays behind.


  • It's unknown whether Prakoso (one of the villains of second movie) and Mad Dog have any connection to each other. But it is quite strange to have two different characters, but with the same face, same fighting style and interpreted by the same actor (Yayan Ruhian), which makes us wonder if Mad Dog and Prakoso would have any connection between them and especially if they were both brothers. It also coincides with the fact that both are the bodyguards of powerful crime lords ( Prakoso and Bangun/Mad Dog and Tama Riyadi).
  • Out of all the villains in the movies, Mad Dog came closest to killing Rama (By incapacitating him and attempting to strangle him to death). If it weren't for Andi's intervention, he would've killed Rama long time ago.